When some people look to the
They see blue and red letters that spell
Out the way their lives must
I have wondered and marveled at the
Readings and writings that these
Friends have described
As if there was a right way to
Notice the signs and wonders
This universe had to offer
Where is that small quiet voice?
Buses and trucks roar around
Me as I weave down the highway
And contemplate all those callings
That I left behind
Did I miss a boat that has sailed
To a far distant land?
Will there be clear signs from God
As to the right and left that I should
Gideon said he needed a wet blanket.
David needed Nathaniel to right his wrongs.
Even Abraham looked to left of the promis he was given.
Do I have faith to understand and accept the
Journey that is laid before me?
The writings in the sky have faded to greys and greens
I can no longer read them without
The help of rose colored glasses
And I breathe
Taking in the wonder that it is to be alive
On this marvelous creation
For it is marvelous, isn't it?
Every sloping plain and mossy bend in the river
Signals that maybe the
Journey really is better than
The destination
That the wandering with God is
Better than striving without Him
I speak to the lovely tones found in the rose buds
Outside my front door
They laugh with me as the blue sun reminds us
That when the going gets tough
It is okay to cry
To weep with the broken hearted
And to sit quietly by
Still waters until the sun
Will rise again
Wake up
You tell me
Each morning
Though I would rather dream
Away a life that seems more
Majestic than the life that the
Highway roses and blue skies
Have to offer
For I know it is better to breathe
Better to try
Better to be still
Than worship a fabricated form
Of my own identity
Be still
You say
As the sun rises solfly upon
My bustling neighborhood
As I reach and stretch to
Make my way to wash my face
In the morning hour