About me
Hello, my name is Leona Cicone. I am a Christian writer who loves to share poems, read detective novels and travel to new places. I have been a Christian since 2013 and it is my desire to share my faith and experience with others. Although I grew up learning about God, I did not have a real understanding of my need for salvation. By God's grace, I committed my life to Christ during college. Over the next 5 to 6 years, God worked in my heart to reveal areas I needed to grow and change. This season was hard but good and I see how wrestling with my questions led me to a better understanding of God's truth. After 7 years of following Christ, I still had not been baptized. I realized that I needed to make a public confession of faith. My baptism symbolized a recommitment to my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I have seen the power of the Holy Spirit in my life and how God desires to know each Christian on a personal level. It is my hope and prayer to faithfully serve Jesus in whatever circumstances and continue to grow in my love and knowledge of God's awesome character.
About the blog
My journey into creative writing started in college. I would write poems and various free verse snippets in my journal and on my blog. This process continued for another 6 years which led me to start submitting poems to small online journals. I have always shared my thoughts in poetic form. These poems talked about love, romance, depression, anxiety and loss. Although these poems where written from the heart, I have always felt there was a certain depth lacking from these pieces. After some careful prayer and meditation over scripture, I realized that I needed to focus my writing. I want to write creatively but I want my writing to reflect my faith journey.
Awake O Sleeper was born.
After months of listening to the book of Ephesians on repeat, I couldn't get this one verse out of my head. From there, I have felt a call to write about faith. My goal is to share openly about my faith and why I believe that Christ is the Son of God. I also want to use the art form of poetry to compliment this complex reality of faith in an omnicient, omnipresent, and omnipotent God.
I pray that you will see how belief can be beautiful and that trusting in Jesus is a wonderful journey.
This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."