In the Spring of 2024, I had the chance to travel to Washington DC and see the cherry blossoms! My sisters and parents walked around the Basin to see the monuments and the beautiful blossoms.
Each year people travel from all over to see the cherry blossoms planted around the Basin. Each year people try to make predictions as to which week will have the best bloom. Honestly, you can go any week after the peak and it will still be beautiful!
For our trip, I found parking a few blocks from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. We walked about 15 min to end up at the memorial. If you don't mind walking, this is a great way to save on the cost of parking. We were blessed with a beautiful day! So walking a little extra was lovely.

Once you get to the Jefferson Memorial, you are at the Basin. From here you can see 4 other momuments very easily. It is a full afternoon of walking, but I highly recommend it for those who want a fun and free activity to do while in DC.
While walking around the Basin, you can see the Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. All of these are great memorials with impactful quotes from these individuals.
After the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, you can take a 10 minute walk to see the Washington Monument. I highly recommend this extra journey because it is amazing to see the monumnet up close after seeing from a distance while you walked around the Basin.
Then you can head back to your car or see more of the Smithsonian museums. The walk too my family and I about 2 hrs to complete. We were taking time at each memorial, but also walking pretty fast due to the fact that it was chilly. This loop is a great way to see some of the heart of DC with only having to pay for the cost of parking. I recommend bringing water and snacks, and you have yourself a fun little walking tour!